Simple tips to help you introduce Montessori learning at home

Taking the leap into Montessori learning can be as eye opening for parents as it can be for children. If you’ve been loving the independence your child is gaining through their child-care learning, why not take some of that home with you and introduce some Montessori styling to your home.

“Help me to do it myself.” You’ve probably heard us say that a lot here at Montessori Garden. But when it come to introducing Montessori to the home that should become your guiding mantra. It is all about encouraging independence and confidence in a safe, age appropriate way. Here are some great tips to get started. 


Play area:

Try setting up an activity area with child size tables and chairs. Hang photos or artwork at child friendly heights and have shelving at a level that the children can reach their own activities. If your sharing a full size cupboard you could just dedicate the lowest of the shelves. Keep only a few simple activities out at a time and rotate them as your child’s interests change. If you are looking for activity inspiration keep an eye on our blog as we share more in the coming weeks.


Learning real life skills is a big focus for Montessori education. Again, use a low, child friendly table and chairs along with small easy to hold utensils and equipment that lets them perform real tasks on their own. To save space you may be able to place your child’s table and chairs between their play area and your kitchen space so that not only can you observe their activities easily you can also engage and include them in your everyday tasks.


Is your child able to brush their own teeth or hair? Maybe they can collect a washer for bath time or items for water play. Follow the same mantra in the bathroom to make the tasks that they can do themselves accessible and achievable. Low shelving can hold an easy to reach hairbrush, toothbrush and washers or towels. Lay them out simply to help remind your child naturally of what comes next in their self-care routine.


The child’s bedroom is one area with a lot of potential for Montessori learning. Child proof the space so that they can move about freely and explore confidently knowing that this is their safe space. Low shelves and small furniture will give your child easy access to their favourite activities and books, different textures from mats and carpets will intrigue younger children as they move around to look at low hung photos or artwork. Floor beds are also a great way to give your child control over their space. Your child will be soon be able to dress themselves. Hang or store clothing within reach to encourage independence.

The key to making any of these Montessori spaces work best is to remove clutter, to keep only what is helpful and reduce confusion to make it easy for the child to follow a natural rhythm. Remember the mantra “help me to do it myself.”

We’d love to hear how you are using Montessori at home. If you need any inspiration or tips come and visit our newly renovated centre and we will show you all of our favourite things! 

Jillian Myatt